“Before meeting Dr. Fleming and utilizing his unique brain-based services, my pre treatment condition was not so good and I was running out of ideas. I had been working at night for more than 5 years. My sleeping schedule was irregular to say the least. My usual routine was falling asleep for 2 hours right away, waking up unable to fall back asleep, laying in bed all day too tired to do anything productive but not tired enough to fall back asleep, and then crashing just in time to hear the alarm clock wake me for another night. By the end of the week I was exhausted. I would sleep through Friday night and my weekend consisted of really just Saturday. Sunday I needed to try and sleep again in the afternoon so I could gear up for another week of the same.On top of that I had been having issues for years thinking on my feet. I would describe it as my brain would get ” stuck ” as I would work though math problems or struggle to understand a new concept at work. I’d compare it to the way that a computer freezes sometimes as it boots up or a car stalls on a cold winter day. I had a concussion playing college football. I don’t recall much about it other than that I couldn’t read for a whole week after the event. I was never certain if my brain issues were a result of the hits, the lack of sleep, or a combination of the two. I AM certain that the treatment has changed my situation.The first day that I did his procedure my mind was more focused and I slept better than I had in years. The sticky feeling was gone by the end of 1 week of treatment. I had more energy at work and more time for social activities because I was sleeping again. Other people noticed. My stamina also increased. No more collapsing 3/4 of the way through the day. Coworkers could count on me to remember things that we discussed at the end of my shift and my girlfriend could count on me to remember to bring the milk home from the grocery store. The best part about it is that the fog hasn’t returned. I’m still sleeping better than ever and my thoughts are flowing freely. Thank you!!!”