I am very excited to write you my testimony of how Doc Fleming is working to make my life a wonderful place to be in! I am becoming a new woman-the woman-I was created to be! Not a person full of anxiety, depression, anger, torment and irrational behavior and thinking! When I contacted Doc whom I came across by the grace of God. I was in pretty bad shape. No, the people around me weren’t aware of my inner turmoil and darkness. I was a pretty good at masking and I kept a safe distance. My family who are closest to me was affected by my behavior. I saw I was driving my 5 children away, separated from my husband of 37 years for 2 years now. They couldn’t understand it. Exteriorly it seemed like I had everything. But something was very wrong in my heart, soul and mind. I had been in and out therapy for 20 years! They all had some pretty interesting theories and some —got me deeper into a downward spiral.
Over the past 5 years I had really started letting myself go. I just didn’t care about my taking care of myself. I was drinking too much wine and gained 35 pounds. Sorry that I let this happen, I tried with no avail to undo this damage. But doc…that 1st week we started -not by any pressure but purely inspired me to exercise, change my diet and miracle-stop the ‘3 bottle a week’ wine! I haven’t felt this good and I don’t give into the pressures of all the unhealthiness that surrounds me.
When we met for the neuro tech work I was ready! He drove three hours in the snow to get to me! It is so inconceivable how wonderful the experience is. The 4 days passed too quickly and each of the 4 days I left with a clearer fresher mind! Doc had to do all the work. I got to enjoy peace. My brain, he showed me was definitely wound up and wired to the max! No wonder I was having such depression and anxiety. I can’t even begin to tell you how smart Doc is but also very down to earth in explanations! He rewired my brain! Whew! It was like the Holy Spirit blew through me. It’s been 2 weeks since the neuro work and what I notice is I wake up refreshed without the alarm (4:30 am), clearly I am discovering learned behaviors I’ve been doing on automatic that keep me from being the authentic me. *There hasn’t been a dark day of torment and pain! The moments of angst are dealt with immediately and include a learning skill from the help of doc.
[Now for the harder part…to keep my brain from returning to it’s old habits and searching why and how I got to be the way I was. Sure I knew from my 20 years of therapy that I am the child of drunken socialites for parents, my mother is narcissistic, and controlling. I made many extremely bad choices in life because in my younger years I thought that was what you did in life- have fun, flirt with danger and look sexy. That was until my 3rd child died of an unknown illness. After that I spent years wanting to die myself but also becoming more aware that life as I thought it- was not real and I needed to change.]
Doc has made me aware of the deep fears that lie within me and that make me act (unconsciously for the most part) in irrational, impetuous, lying, pouty little girl behaviors. Full of so much anger and tormented pain!
Magic? No! I believe God is working through Doc! He has a God given gift and is using it to better the world.
The exceptional references that pop out of his brain just for my help… books, quotes, web sights, prayers, just a wealth of information… Oh yes, let me not forget his music! They all broaden my horizon!
He understands me and he’ll understand you! His price is worth every penny …. I would take out a loan if you have to for the ‘full monty”!
And so Doc, I thank you for the millionth time! I’m counting on every moment we have left to work together that I will be made free from the chains I have worn for too long!
“What thanks can I give to God for all the love I’ve found within me to use for others because “you” are using your God given talents?”!!!
You are wonderful! Let our adventure continue!
I speak the truth in Sincerity and thankfulness to God,