I wanted to convey a few comments about my experience with this God-sent opportunity. It first needs to be said that I was offered this neurotech out of the graciousness and compassion of Dr.Kevin who offered to help upon hearing my financial situation and my 15 year ordeal.
Little about me, I’m a chronic pain or intractable pain sufferer. I deal with terrible daily pain that would make the average person what to curl up in a ball. I also suffer from nerve damage as result of 5 botched spinal operations and 2 operations to install and then remove a pain stimulator battery and then the leads attached to the cord.
So In turn I developed painful peripheral neuropathy or Reflective Dystrophy Syndrome (RDS)which I have in my limbs, feet.
So I knew nothing about this technology but had hopes it would ” cure the blind” or in my case help my nerves that I might be able to walk, or get off pain meds.
What I discovered with this neurotech is some wonderful outcomes. I also feel like those outcomes get better over time of work with him and this neurotech.
I’ve noticed a improvement in my RDS which to me is worth the price of admission. That’s hard to express too. But I’ve noticed less muscle spasms. I really noticed my incontrollable twitching has improved. My feet or nerves on the bottom seem to be sensitive in feelings and less sensitive in that nerve pain.
I am walking daily, maybe 6-8 blocks and that alone would set me back a few hours in swelling and nerve pain in my feet. I’d have the pins and needles for hours after a 8 block walk. I seem to bounce back better or recover quicker with my nerves in my feet.
I could go on but I’ll keep it short. The biggest thing I noticed was I had been starting to get the peripheral neuropathy in my hands VERY bad. As a musician and guitar player –and that being my only fun activity—I was worried. I can say that I noticed that my hands no longer go to sleep or have numbing issues. Which is HUGE. I’ve also noticed some focus and dexterity in my playing that I’ve been missing for 10 years.
It affects my balance when I walk and improves or maybe speeds up or enhances the muscle memory in my hands. I think this technology could aid musicians too.
Overall it’s really been a very positive experience and it seems to have improved or helped my autonomic nervous system.
Nerves and their feelings are hard to out in words but this neurotech has given me a calmness to my spastic nervous system. I haven’t had the violent spasm at night when I go into REM which hasn’t happened for 15 yrs!!! They would wake me up. I have not noticed any of these bad spasms when I about to fall asleep like it’s been forEVER.
It’s really been a interesting and helpful neurotech and my Nervous system is at its best in years.
Thank you very much for your generosity, Doc, and time and for providing me this fantastic therapy…..