“It is a privilege to write regarding our experience with our son and Dr. Fleming. When we came to him the bottom had fallen out of my son’s life (so to speak). His internet addiction had pretty much ruined major parts of his life. A broken engagement and lots of other wreckage in the wake. For us as parents we knew that we needed to seek help immediately that would provide intense treatment. That is what I feel we got with Dr. Fleming. Looking back I know that inpatient treatment might have provided initial crisis intervention, but what we got with Doc. was a constant connection and modification of behavior as well as a plan for how to deal with the addiction when it resurfaced again.
Crucial to our son’s treatment was the neuro steps in balancing the functional activity. We saw subtle at first then more apparent changes as time went on. Our son had one more semester left in college and we had almost given up that he would be able to complete that. However, with the neuro treatment, as well as, follow up with his colleague for the hormone balancing and neurotransmitters we saw that he would complete graduation and in fact with higher grades than any other semester. He was focused and the addiction was no longer ruling his life if that makes sense. Doc had also helped him to develop coping skills for when the pressure would come and he would be tempted to revert back to those coping behaviors.
All of the above, combined with the one on one contact with Doc, truly helped my son to become successful. Getting those texts or calls and asking him where he was on the scale were essential to success. I asked my son last evening how he feels the treatment went (this is 1 1/2) years out), and he said he would not be where he is now without it. He still has temptation times when the addiction rears it’s ugly head, but now he knows how to cope and what he needs to do.He has tools. Today he is empowered and successful in his career as a Fire Fighter because he knows the addiction does not control him.
I hope that is all clear and gives your some help in making your decision. For us to have the constant contact with Doc through email, conference calls, and a few face to face was very helpful. We learned where to ask our son how he was doing and not too put pressure on through Doc’s careful guidance. I would have made major mistakes without that counsel.”