“Dr. Fleming’s neurotech work with me was real, immediate, and synergetic in nature. I felt an improved sense if general well being after my first session, and the results compounded from there. My girlfriend said after the first two days that she had never never seen me this happy and relaxed since we met in May. I slept better, had a better mood, and was FAR less prone to bulimic tendencies -the thoughts, urges, eye simply faded. They didn’t vanish but they’re controllable now and fade more every day.
This is key because I simply didn’t prior to treatment, not for the past seven years. Since I had this so long the memory of it is still strong and therefore it’s not completely out of my life. However, the urges are controllable, as are the side issues. I sleep like a baby now…….The before/after snapshots of my life are very different, in a very good way. You know that Claritin commercial where the film is pulled back and the lady sees life clearly? It’s exactly like that for my mental state.
Thank you again. This has been life changing”