Kevin really knows his stuff, and his expertise makes the treatment effective. But his kindness and compassion make the whole experience beautiful. As someone with neurological challenges, I found the treatments to be clarifying and settling. I was surprised that the treatments also reopened a deep sense of acceptance and intimacy with myself. My friends commented that it seemed as if a cloud had been lifted from me. Deep thanks Kevin
Nance PettitMS Psychology, MAC Accupunture
Asheville, NC
“I found Dr Flemings approach to , in my layman’s term of “balancing my self”, very effective. I know I feel better than I have in years, but in addition my reaction to matters that occur has very much changed. My children have said to my Wife, “boy Dad is different!” Now I was not Attila the Hun but I am living a more peaceful life and not allowing stressors to effect my moods and inner peace. Yes I still have to set boundaries as we have four adult children so we have to at times, but I do it with peace. I also bounce back from stressful events much easier and do not dwell on matters that occur. So I am very please with Dr Fleming’s services.”
J. C.New York, NY

“Prior to working with Dr. Fleming I felt that I had a solid outlook and a clear direction which I desired for my life. However, I was experiencing a sort of “undulating cycle” and never really broke through the top of each prior phase with my efforts. The brakes were always being applied shortly after a small success beyond a previous “high mark” so to say.

I somewhat skeptically engaged Dr. Fleming for help in learning how to obtain this upward shift in my life which I so much desired, but had given me resistance over and over again. So in I went with my skeptical yet open mind. Dr. Fleming immediately jumped right in with his genuine and unique approach to finding out what really matters most to a person. Within a few weeks I had realized a monumental shift in my own self with regards to what truly mattered at my core versus what I had been striving for year after year. This all occurred prior to the neurotech work and was already a complete success as far as I was concerned. On top of the amazing results I already experienced with Dr. Fleming’s coaching, the effects of the neurotech process were immediate for me. An instant clarity within myself, an unveiling if you will, had occurred. During the week of going through the neurotech process I even experienced quite an emotional curve ball from a personal situation that would have typically sent me off balance for weeks. Instead, my mind was able to process the event and come back to a balanced emotional state overnight. It has been less than a week since receiving the neurotech treatment and I feel an overall calm within myself, very grounded, yet free to experience life as it really is. It is like being reset back to a feeling I had within myself 20 years ago, yet I now have the privilege of living in this state of mind with the hindsight of experience. Truly amazing. Thank you.”

R.C.Long Island, NY


Tony Ricci

MS, CSCS, LDN, CISSN, CNS, Pfizer Nutritionist – Pfizer Occupational Health & Wellness

“We had the great fortune of working with Dr Kevin Fleming; producing a video series for Pfizer Colleagues in which he provided cutting edge strategies for managing stress. Not only did Dr Fleming afford these cutting edge strategies, his engaging approach on camera has produced an entertaining and highly informative resource for our colleagues. His work has captivated our colleagues and offered them a new and refreshing approach for managing 21st century stressors.
My experience has taught me that a good coach can get others to believe in them and what they teach; yet a great coach can get others to believe in themselves and what they can achieve. Dr Fleming is that kind of a coach, one who can foster both action and ongoing change in others. His knowledge of neuroscience and human behavior is surpassed only by his integrity and genuine consideration of others. We thank him for one of the most successful campaigns we have provided to our colleagues. “

Tony Ricci


Srini Pillay,M.D.

СEO, NeuroBusiness Group Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School

“…Dr.Kevin Fleming is an extraordinary coach with the striking combination of a brilliant mind and an exceedingly warm heart. He is able to artfully apply his understanding of neuropsychology and the philosophy of science to help people with a wide array of challenges in a refreshingly practical manner. If you are looking for someone who is able to inspire lasting change and transformation, Dr. Fleming is your man. Within minutes of meeting him, it will be obvious that his Renaissance spirit has somehow managed to marry the bottom line with an elevated understanding of the greatest challenges that individuals and businesses face. Working with Dr. Fleming is an experience you will likely remember for the rest of your life….”

Srini Pillay, M.D.


Bill Bartmann

National Entrepreneur of the Year

“Grey Matters International, Inc provides a well-needed service in the sometimes trite and overly-motivation-based self and organizational development market. If you are seeking true behavior change solutions that last, Dr. Fleming’s thinking and tools are the way to go…..”

Bill Bartmann

“A couple of weeks ago I did Dr. Fleming’s Neurotech Brain-Work hoping for some real change. I have struggled for many years with some issues around feeling anxious and getting easily overwhelmed or scattered which was limiting me in my ability to move forward in the way I was envisioning I could. It was like my desire was right on track but my brain wasn’t following it.

I had tried many things over the course of the years but I still could not get the changes to stick for longer than a few days, a week at best.

I am now a True Believer in the work he offers. I felt changes were happening during the treatment, but could not quite place them. By the following week and weeks I began to really notice the shifts! There is more stability, focus and calmness in me. I have not felt that so palpably in the last decade. I am so inspired by what he offers that I have jumped on board in fully supporting his work and the benefit it can bring to those who are struggling with a need for positive change that actually works .

Thank you Dr. Fleming.”

Rebecca M JustoMiami, FL

“Dr. Fleming’s neurotech work with me was real, immediate, and synergetic in nature. I felt an improved sense if general well being after my first session, and the results compounded from there. My girlfriend said after the first two days that she had never never seen me this happy and relaxed since we met in May. I slept better, had a better mood, and was FAR less prone to bulimic tendencies -the thoughts, urges, eye simply faded. They didn’t vanish but they’re controllable now and fade more every day.

This is key because I simply didn’t prior to treatment, not for the past seven years. Since I had this so long the memory of it is still strong and therefore it’s not completely out of my life. However, the urges are controllable, as are the side issues. I sleep like a baby now…….The before/after snapshots of my life are very different, in a very good way. You know that Claritin commercial where the film is pulled back and the lady sees life clearly? It’s exactly like that for my mental state.

Thank you again. This has been life changing”

DavidCollege Student, San Antonio, TX

“Grey Matters International, Inc provides a well-needed service in the sometimes trite and overly-motivation-based self and organizational development market. If you are seeking true behavior change solutions that last, Dr. Fleming’s thinking and tools are the way to go…..”

Bill BartmannNational Entrepreneur of the Year

“Kevin, the YMCA participants evaluated your presentation skills as a 4.9 out of 5, and they stated that the parts they appreciated most were the insights they received on their 360 assessments and the piece on the organizational culture. In addition, they also enjoyed spending time with you during the meals. Thanks for a job well done!”

Marc HardyDirector of Nonprofit Executive Programs, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame